Home is Where my Heart Is

My home is unique to me because there are things in my home that has stuff you don’t have. And yours has things I don’t have as well. But there is more. My home is also unique because of the smells, tastes, sounds, sights and different feelings but I'm sure yours is unique to you! In your own way. And I'm sure feel, taste, see and it sounds different too. My home has sounds like barking from my dog. And my dad's cooking or baking. I also hear my brothers' games. I also hear my radio. And I smell flowers and candles. I also smell my dad's baking. And my wet dog. And I taste tacos and like Mexican food and ice cream fruit and more. And I feel safe in my home. I feel calm in my home. I feel love in my home. I feel warmth in my home. And I see my dad. I see my brother. I see my dog. And that’s about my home. But one more thing I always feel welcome in my home, and you should feel that in your home too.


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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