The Meaning of Home

My home is many things: love, chaos and Boba Tea. My home is love. It’s a warm fuzzy feeling. In my home we all love each other, even though sometimes we don’t get along very well. When I come back from school, my baby brothers come running to the door and give me a big hug and then I feel an overwhelming feeling of joy. My home is chaos. In my home a normal day is everybody screaming,my brothers throwing toilet paper everywhere and my sister screaming at the top of her lungs into her microphone. Sure, my home is chaotic, but we all still love each other and clean up after ourselves and each other. My home is Boba Tea. The cup is our home, my family is the popping pearls and the juice is the love flowing around us. My family is very sweet, just like Boba Tea. Just like popping pearls we also get angry at each other and yell, but what matters is that we forgive each other and that everything works out in the end. My home is love. My home is chaos. My home is boba tea. That is my home.


4 Année

Pincourt, Québec

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