The Meaning Of Home

My home is somewhere to be safe. My home is where I see my favourite things. My home is where I feel welcomed. When I see my cat, Garfield, I feel safe. Knowing that he lays somewhere in my house safe in his bed, makes me feel safe too. Seeing that ginger fur of his gives me comfort. Stroking his short fur while he rests on my bed feels like all my worries have been melted away into the voids. As long as he isn't hurt, I’ll be ok. When I pick up my favourite series, Warrior Cats, I'm happy because they’re my favourite books. I read Warrior Cats everyday, I'm on the last series. Whenever I read, I don’t wanna stop. Reading makes my heart feel heavy in a good way. It feels like I’ve been sucked into the universe of the book. Every scenery and movement in the book, every word is animated in my mind. When I walk in my house, seeing my sister and mother makes me feel welcome. Making up funny songs with my sister, Devika, makes me laugh. Eating my mothers food she makes for me every week. All of them make me feel welcome in my home. My brother, Ace, also makes me feel welcome. We don't talk alot because he's always locked up playing games in his room, but he is still in my family. Maybe it's something teenagers do. I can’t forget my cat too! He is my favourite and always welcomes me in. I love him and other cat’s more than anything. My home is safe. My home has my favourite things. My home makes me feel welcome. I love my home.


4 Année

Pincourt, Québec

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