The Meaning of Home

Home is a safe, calm, cozy and warm place. I smell, hear and feel many wonderful things in my home.home is a bed with stuffed animals When I walk into my house I want to smell bacon cooking in the oven. My home smells like flowers. I smell hot chocolate and marshmallows. When I open the front door I am going to smell the smoke from the bacon and marshmallows from the hot chocolate. When I walk in my house I hope to hear my bird singing.hear my dog barking at me. Hear the bacon sizzling in the oven. When I walk into my home I am going to hear the leaves getting blown from the wind.When I walk into my home I’m going to hear the car beep when I lock the doors of the car. Home is a bed! Home is a bed because the blanket is the roof, the stuffed animals are the people, and the pillow describes how cozy it is!When I walk into my house the first thing I want to do is pet my dog. Feel the wind blowing on my face.feel the heat from the bacon. Home isn’t just home it’s family, it’s happiness, it’s lots of things and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Because they would be wrong. Home is a family! Home is a place I can go!I love my home and I hope you do too.


4 Année

Pincourt, Québec

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