Not a House but a Home

A lot of people assume a house is a home, but I don’t. I think they are 2 different things. A house is a shelter, a place to stay warm, a place with four walls and your belongings. A home is somewhere where your loved ones are, somewhere you can feel loved, a place of happiness. A home to me is safe and calm, somewhere where every bad thing from my day goes away. For me, my dance studio is my second home, as I dance everything around me is a blur as I soar. When I think about all of the people that don't have homes it makes me unhappy, yes for the people who don’t have houses but also for the people who don’t have homes. My room in my home is a library. I have so many books, new and old. I revisit adventures and wonder endlessly about creating my own. My room is my comfort zone where I am most like myself. I have a younger sister and a twin brother. When I think about them I think about how much they bug me. In reality, I can't imagine a home without them. They are my siblings, but also my closest friends. The people who know me the best and cheer for my success. Around the world, many people have been stuck in their houses for long periods of time. Stuck in houses they hoped would feel like home but haven’t because they have been alone. Others have lost their homes and are looking for a path to a new one. I hope that these people soon have a house that will feel like a home and will be one to call their own, filled with love and new beginnings.


6 Année

Georgetown, Ontario

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