What Home?

When I think of home I think of my family one because I'm stuck with them all day because whenever I am at home it doesn't matter where you are, I'm at home with them. Another thing is where I grew up, home is where you spent all your memories. It's where you feel more comfortable because you have all your family pictures you're drawing when you're like 6 on the fridge still . Home for me is the first of everything. If you go to a new house it's going to be at home in a. Few days. Home is not a building, it doesn't matter where you are it's your home because your family is there it's called a home for reasons not called. The houses just remind the building that you what you live in. Home that's where you live but with your family what's your memories with your pets if. You have pets . at home it's a great place that you can spend time with your family sleeping have the best dreams have memories .There it doesn't matter how big your home is it could be small it could be big it could be in the middle still going to be at home you can have animals at Your home you could have a lot of trees at your home And you will remember those things when you move to a new home because you and have Memory when you were little and then you'll make new ones I've never moved In my home is the best and i not one can each that my home . I love i'm home there's lots of other things I love because my freight get doesn't on it because when i was little i ran in the the freight and then it made a Dent . Home it's what we make memories and when you move you're still Going to a home .have them so that's going to be like at home if you are it's a home you could be living in a car living in Apartment that .Trailer I can name this for hours you could be anywhere and it would still Feel like a home something that you live in is a home that what home mean to me .


6 Année

Forest, Ontario

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