Home is...
Home is where siblings fight and arguing about who gets the last candy
When I think of good memories that is home
When I am in home I feel happiness and where I feel safe
Feeling loved and having family is the feeling of home
Having friends laughing and having fun is home
A place where I feel comfortable, cozy and warm
Hearing video games noises and talking is home to me
When I annoy my sister and hear her yell is the feeling of home
A place is where I feel free and can do anything
The feeling of home is when I am playing with my family and hearing them laughing
Hearing the tv playing in the background and hearing youtube videos is home
When I go to bed hearing my sister talking to her friend keeping me up
A place where I hear the sound of turning rubiks cubes
Following rubiks cube tutorials and yelling loudly when I do it right
This is home for me