Home is...
Where you get really comfortable naps.
Where you listen to music can make you relax.
Sports can be home.
It is when I play hockey with my friends at an arena.
It is when I watch tv for 5 hours and it is comfy.
Home is when you have a family.
Parents baking cookies in the kitchen at night.
Home gives you a relationship and memories.
Home can be relaxing at night with a fireplace going on.
Where I play video games for 5 hours and still get mad at my friends.
Home means fighting with my twin brother and blaming it on my brother.
Home is where I feel warm at night.
Each day I eat bacon from the kitchen and chew so loud that my family gets mad.
Home can be a happy and welcoming place to go.
Home is a place that spreads around the world.
This is what home means to me.