A Home to Me

A house is a place where I can sleep in peace, But a home is a place where I can express myself, all in one piece A house is a clam shell that holds the clam meat A house is secure But a home is brighter than the sun A house is a place where you can raise a son But a home provides the love you need With family and friends, With hope and compassion You can pull through, no matter how tough With all that said, what would you rather? A house or a home? I would rather home Because it’s more than what I live in It's the best place to be no matter how you’re living Love is a dove, that flies up in the skies It flies all around, spreading the joy A home is a place where, if even one lost, They will always be beside you no matter the cost No matter the distance of their dove that flies high Love will always be by your side, right there in your heart Forever and ever May home be by your side The world is wide, But life is short You have got to make the most of it While you’re still alive Each second Each minute Live it up to the top Before you move on Love your home with hope and compassion You make a new life A new home Each year Or each month Thank you Habitat for humanity


4 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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