Home: My Grandpa

Home means something to me that is different then what it means to you. When I go home, I go on my ipad. My parents don't like that. Home means to me not just a building but friends, family and my two siblings. I have some memories, lots and lots but I can't pick one. So here are a few! One is when I adopted my dog. She is beautiful, silly and really cute too! Another is when I got my new car it was weird having an object that felt so out of place and then after a year or so it got more familiar and more comfortable like a part of my home. This is the last one is the one I find most special. Never take eating dinner with your grandparents for granted. This was the last time I had dinner with my grandpa. We are Polish and in true Polish fashion, we had a traditional meal. Perogies, beet soup and cabbage rolls. We sat around the table with empty bellies at the start. Then we started to eat and talk and laugh. I loved that guy with all my heart. In my home, I feel safe. What a wonderful place.


4 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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