A Worry Free Home?

A Worry Free Home? By Lilah Jenkins “Those who live in the shelter of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” -Psalm 91:1 Home should be a safe place where you can feel comfortable, a place where you can love and nurture others, and a place were you make memories. Some people say it is a place without worry… but that is not always true. My story: When I was born in the hospital, I was born early because my mom had breast cancer. She had to take some medication but if she took it while I was in her stomach, I would die. My home was not worry free. She got better, but four years later, her cancer came back and spread to her lungs. She moved to the hospital where we had to go to visit her. She died when I was five. My home was not worry free. We went to live with my grandma and grandpa. My dad worked hard to go back to school. He had to worry about his grades and teach me kindergarten because of Covid. Home was not worry free. After that, we found God. We moved back to our old house. We started going to church. Now, I live with my dad, the best big sister in the world, my puppy Oreo, and me! I have lots of new friends at my Christian school. We celebrate mom’s memory on her birthday. There is one person in our home that keeps the worry away. It is Jesus Christ. God can heal any home.


5 Année

Leduc, Alberta

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