What Home is Like to Me

What I think about home is sleeping and my baby sister. I love sleeping because it makes me so comfortable. When I have sleepovers I sleep downstairs instead of upstairs. Whoever created sleep is a genius. I love my baby sister, Yirrah, so much because she's cute. She snores like my dad, but it's okay. I still love her. My favourite thing about her is her puppy eyes and her chubby cheeks! This is all what I think about home. You have a family so you won’t be alone. It's okay to cry. It's okay to be mean; try not to be mean though. If you need help then ask for help. Home is where you build confidence. You learn to help and be nice to others and just be yourself. For me, home is where I give kindness to my family and sometimes share with them. Home is where you like and dislike things. A home has people who love each other as family. Maybe you dislike some of your family. It's okay, but don’t blame them. Blame nobody. Maybe you like your family a lot; that's how it should be. These are all the things that make me feel safe at home. I thank Habitat for Humanity for helping other people have a home.


4 Année

Red Deer, Alberta

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