Home is Everything

When you’re mad When you’re sad Just go somewhere you are happy Just go inside your home and go to your room You see your bed and, “ Boom “ You’re happy, that's great Your heart’s out from the emotional crate Your back from school That's very cool You see your home The roof looks like a dome But it doesn't matter Nobodys flattered You go inside And your family provides Lots of love Just like a dove It makes you feel like you belong You're not just Ding-Dong We all need a home It's not just a hut shaped like a dome We all need a home to survive When we’re sick we use it to revive It's not just a house For a wood mouse It's your great home It's not for a gnome It is a home When you look at home You see lots of love, happiness, and shelter When your down you feel much better Home is also family There's no gamblin’ I have a loving Dad He’s not at all bad A caring mom She’s very calm And a great sis Sure, sometimes she’s annoying But she’s still my sis So family’s home They’re not AI chrome They’re just home All homes are different It matches everybody's interest It can be an apartment, or a small house Or just a hut, or a beach house But as I’ve learned, home is just home Everybody should have a home ‘Cause there is no place like home


5 Année

Mississauga, Ontario

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