My Feelings of Home

Home is a safe place where I can be myself. Home is a place that I have so many memories. Home is a place where I have a bed that I can sleep in and a bath that I can bathe in. Home is a place with feeling and love but a house is a place with long dark walls and emptiness no feelings. Home is a place that I smell a sweet aroma in the kitchen and have a big dinner. Home is a place that I can snuggle up with my family in the living room and watch a a show. Home is a place dad and mom tuck me in my bed safe and warm. Home is where I watch my mom cook in the kitchen and wait for my dad to come home from work. Home has long walls not dark but bright with family photos on the walls and lots and lots of memories. And of course, home is happy. Home is bright and warm with sweet hugs. A home can be big or small, yellow or blue, pink or green but the appearance doesn’t matter. The love inside does. These are my feelings of home.


5 Année

Duncan, Colombie-Britannique

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