Meaning of Home

Home can mean different things for different people. When you have a compassionate, thoughtful, and sympathetic home it evokes a wonderful feeling, but when it's not so pleasant it doesn't bring you happiness. Home to me and many others it is a magnificent and safe place for me to pour out my feelings. Home holds my secrets, and supports me through the ups and downs. Love can change lives, perspectives and opinions. It's important that everyone gets to experience a wonderful and joyful life. When I get home from school I look forward to coming home and feeling the safe, warm and marvellous feeling that home brings. For example, the smell that the waffles my mom makes bring me unspoken joy. When we’re having burgers for dinner, my dad brings out a little platter of things to dress your burger with, and just the sight of that brings inexpressible delight! Every person has their own unique things that bring them joy and this contest helps raise money and awareness to help other people feel that too! The serenity of a home brings out the best in people. It's like our own personal heaven that looks different for each person and their passions. You can't pursue your dreams in a tight and unsafe space where you're always on your feet, you may need silence, or blasting music, but this can't be done outside in the cold. Always try to stay present in the moment and enjoy what you have, because other people may be in harder and scarier situations. We’re all one big family and families have to have each other's backs. This contest is to donate and help the less fortunate feel the same way I and many others love and treasure… home.


6 Année

Baden, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi