What Home Feels Like
Home… A comfy, cozy, just right place where you feel safe. It’s somewhere where memories are flowing all around you. Your basement where you and your brother played baseball. Those silly little arguments that you and your brother always have. That hiding spot you go to when you're sad. The corner near the kitchen, where your dad scared the life out of you.
Memories good, and bad, most of them are made at home. When you're at school, and you feel tired, sleepy or bored, where do you say you wanna go? Home. Because home is awesome! A place that you could never forget. Somewhere that no matter where you go on vacation, eventually you just want to come home.
It can also just be a place where you feel comfortable. Someplace that you feel safe. Like your grandparents' house. All the amazing delicious meals your grandmother makes for your family. The fun sleepovers! The warm, made-from-scratch cookies. Home can be a place where you have fun!
You and your family, squirting each other with water guns, in the yard. Friday night, MOVIE NIGHT! All the fun times, stuffing your mouth with buttery popcorn, while watching a movie. All kinds of memories! Scary ones, like hiding under your blanket, when you're scared at night. Making excuses just to jump in your parents bed.
Home is a place where you feel you can be yourself. YOu can be curious, weird, crazy, insane and anything you want to be. You can just let yourself go, not worrying about anyone judging you. Somewhere you can sing, dance and prance! A place where you have people that love you. Home is special and relaxing.
Home can be many different things, but it's all up to you to decide what you think home really is.
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