What is a home?
A home is a place full of love, a home is a place full of laughter, and a home is a place full of kindness. Home is warm, home is cozy, and a home is where you feel loved and protected. A home is where you belong. A home is different then a house, but your home can be in your house.
A house has a bedroom, bathroom, and a living room, but your home can be anywhere and I mean anywhere. A home has love, laughter, and happiness, a home has feelings. My home is a fun place I can go to, a place where I feel safe. A home is were you make memories. A home is a warm and cozy place where you can snuggle up to family members. A home has company and family and friends over, a home has people.
A home is there for you if you don't feel good, if you're sad, mad, scared, or alone.
You can be independent at home, you can be cozy, loved, happy, warm, maybe hot or maybe cold. You can feel all different feelings at the same time. You can feel empathy, happiness, there are a ton of different feelings in this world. A home is where you feel like you belong, you’re protected and safe. Thank you Habitat for Humanity for doing this so people that don't have a home will get one.
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