My Home is Who I Am

When I think of my home, I think of all the beautiful memories I have made. All the sad ones and all the funny ones. To me, that's what makes it home. Home isn’t just a place I sleep, eat or do homework. My home is where I always will belong and be able to spend time with friends and family and even where I go to cry when I am sad. My home isn't just a place or a thing, it's everything. When I walk into my house I see my brother, mom, and dad. Each one of them is doing something important so I chose not to disturb them. I go outside and see my black lab Lucy, panting from running around the field. She is one of the best dogs ever. I walk into the garage and go over to the black bunny pen. I slowly open the door to the cage. Both bunnies hop over to me with glee. Their names are Sky and Blaze and they are the cutest bunnies ever. When I go in there, I feel so grateful to be able to have all these pets and live in a wonderful home. As I step outside the bunny pen, Lucy races over with her favourite toy ball and I decide to give her a treat. I throw the treat up in the air and Lucy jumps in the air to eat it. It’s outstanding how high she can jump. I walk back inside and smell a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and find my mom cooking tasty steak. The door is open and I can hear the coyotes howling which reminds me that I am safe inside my home. My home isn't just a place, it’s everything.


5 Année

Maple Ridge, Colombie-Britannique

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