
My home is the place where I feel safe. Even when my sister barges in my room I will always love her too the moon and back. Even on a snowy cold day home makes me warm like I was just baked. At home I can party and be myself. Even on a really bad day I come home and smile. My home means so much to me. Without my home I would not be the same. In the summer I play volleyball with my dad. Home is the place where I build memories, I know I can build other memories, but home is the best place to make them. Home is a place where I have fun. My home will help me even on the worst days. My home is different than a House. A house is just a building you see. A home is your safe place and treat it good cause its more than just a couple of walls. Evan if I moved away, I would always love my home to the moon and back. No matter what happens I will always love my home. That is what home means to me. No matter what, my home will be there for me. I love my home!!!!


5 Année

Campbell River, Colombie-Britannique

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