A recipe for home by Silas

4 walls, 1 roof, 1 or more doors, 2 or more windows to see the beautiful day outside, 50 parts electricity, 100,000 parts love care, kindness and warmth, 500 parts family, 1 or more pets for cuddles, 1 or more bathrooms 1 or more bedrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room, done! How to mix first you grab the 4 walls, 1 roof and 1 or more doors and mix for 2 minutes. Next take all the rooms and put them in a separate bowl (we’ll add those later) , add lighting, electricity and put in the furniture and other items and … DONE!!! What makes me feel at home What makes me feel like I’m at home are my two dogs Nova and Otis. Nova is a chiweenie / chihuahua cross and she’s a chunky little snoopy potato. She is also cute, old, and fluffy. Otis on the other hand is fast, young, has straight hair and he’s energetic. and he is a pug / minpin cross. I love both of those little rascals.


4 Année

Vernon, Colombie-Britannique

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