What Home Means To Me

I believe that everyone deserves a home. Everybody deserves a home to feel safe and comfortable at every point in their life. Firstly, homes keep you safe and protected from the harsh weather. Secondly, a home gives you privacy and security. Third, everyone deserves to have a place to go everyday and know that they will be able to sleep in a sheltered place every night. I once got locked out of my house in the winter and I had to stand outside in the freezing cold for only 5 minutes and in that 5 minutes I completely froze. I can't imagine having to go through that for months on end. With a home everybody gets the chance to feel safe and comforted and not have to worry, making it essential to everyone's well being. A home keeps you safe and protected. Not having a home can leave you unprotected from the elements. I will never be able to be thankful enough for a home to go to everyday and not have to worry about how I'm going to stay warm every night. I freeze up when I stand outside for more than 5 minutes in -20 weather. Having a home will be something I will be forever grateful for. I will never be able to understand the feeling of having to sleep outside every night. Sleeping outside is very dangerous. Considering anybody could just come up to you and take your coat or even your shoes. Which brings me to my next point which is not having any shoes. Having shoes is a necessity especially in the winter when there's snow on the ground. I remember once when I was younger and I went to the park. And when I went there I took off my shoes and my socks. While I was running through the sand something poked my bare feet and when I lifted up my foot there was a piece of wood stuck in my foot. It took so long to get it out and it was so painful. I couldn't imagine having to go through that everyday especially when there's snow. Everybody deserves to feel safe and protected from the harsh elements everyday. Having a home not only keeps you safe but also gives you privacy and security. If you were houseless you would have to sleep on the street and with people watching you and judging you. Having a home would give you privacy when needed. I could not even imagine having people stare at you every day. I get to go home everyday to a place where I feel safe and secure. I have a soft cozy bed where I can feel like I have comfort and privacy. Being houseless would not give you any security for you and your family either. Having a home would make you feel secure and safe. I love going home everyday to the savory aroma of my moms cooking. Being houseless wouldn't give you that sense of security and belonging. Getting to go home everyday to the sense of feeling secure is not something you would get with being houseless. Without a home you would feel no sense of security and like you're below everybody else. You would feel not welcome and you would always have a pair of eyes on you. With a home you would have no one to judge you or stare at you making you feel like you have privacy and security. That's why everyone should have a home to have a place where they feel like they have privacy and security. Everyone deserves to have a place to go everyday and know that they will have a place to sleep every night. Knowing that you will have a place to sleep every night will make you feel a sense of belonging. Having a bed to sleep in will make anyone feel like they are loved and deserving. A home not only gives you a sense of belonging but you would have comfort in your life knowing that you have home. Having a place everyday to go to is something that I will be eternally grateful for. Everyday I go home to my little brother, opening the door and trying to scare me by hiding behind the door. That makes me feel loved and supported. With a home you would be able to feel like you have a support system and feel safe and comfortable being in a space like home. Sitting with my family on the couch and laughing about old memories is like a warm hug and everyone should be able to feel that way everyday with whoever they feel loved with. That is why everyone deserves a home to feel a sense of belonging and know that they will be able to have a safe and comfortable night every night. I strongly believe that everyone deserves to have a home. With a home you would be protected from harsh weather and feel safe. With a home you would be able to also feel protected and have a sense of belonging. Having a home will keep you safe by having a place to go every day and being able to sleep in. Either way everyone deserves to have a home to feel like they are deserving and at home every single day.


6 Année

Edmonton, Alberta

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