what does home mean to me ?

Home represents much more than a mere physical space with four walls;it encapsulates the essence of love, care, and the cherished values of our faith, Islam. Although my home is not beautiful on the inside it has a enormous space in my heart , ever since I had to evacuate from war . I left my family, friends, and broken streets and fled away . However, it is within my home i find a unparalleled sense of comfort and security. Even as i explore new destinations they vibrant cities or serene villages , near or far-these experiences continuously bring me back to the profound significance my home holds for me . My home isn't just a place to sleep , its a area where love brings a family together -it is also a place my mom bakes delicious sweets and cooks delightful foods. Here at my new country I have a blank paper, however i will try my best to draw my future on it. As I dig deeper I notice i have a new home which means it can provide a opportunity to make new memories and start fresh .In conclusion,my home means life to me ,if i don't have a home I don't have a life any longer.I appreciate every millisecond I spend in my home.


5 Année

Edmonton, Alberta

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