What a home is

Home is not just a structure, it's somewhere you can be your true self without any judgement. Home for me is a place full of memories, where you can have those deep unfiltered moments that make you feel that you belong here. It's all those sweet conversations that make you sense and feel comfort that the people around you “get you”. It’s a place to heal but sometimes to also shed a tear. My home is filled with laughter and so much joy. Family and friends make a home, a home is not just a place but a feeling, an ongoing story written in love, a sanctuary for growth, patience and warmth. Your home is shared lives, stories passed down, and dreams whispered late at night and hands held at uncertain times. Every moment perfect or not, like a messy kitchen after dinner, or a big pile of shoes by the door. This is the place where your heart truly rests. It’s good to know that wherever you go you’ll have this place waiting for you. Home is a place of comfort and overtime your heart develops a connection that you’ll never forget or lose. Home changes you, when you're young it’s all about adventures and new things but when you’re older you really hear those echoes and it feels so good knowing that you were allowed to be alone with your thoughts and surrounded by the people you love. There’s always something about home that pulls you back that’s hard to replicate anywhere else,where the weight of the world feels lighter, and no matter how much it changes it will always feel like yours. There is a certain rhythm to home too: The routine of waking up in the same bed, the comfort of your favourite chair, a place where you know everything is. Home is where your firsts happen; your first steps, your first words. And yet it’s also where your lasts happen; saying goodbye to a beloved pet, moving out for the first time, the last family dinner in a space you’ve known for your whole life. No matter what, you’ll never feel alone because you have home with you.


5 Année

Edmonton, Alberta

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