Why My Home Is Important To Me

Why My Home Is Important To Me Samanvi Pulicheri Who doesn't need a home? Well, today I'm going to talk about why my home is important to me. The first reason I think a home is important is because I know my home is reliable and guarded.I think my home is reliable because I know that my home is important. Second, a home provides me with comfort and happy memories.The memories are usually inside jokes and birthday memories.I feel comfortable at home because of my family cause they take care of me. Finally, I feel relaxed and that I belong. For example I had a long day at school and when I come home I of course want to relax and feel all cozy.And that's what a home does it makes you feel laid back and enjoyable. This is why I think a home is important is because I am guarded, you have happy memories in your house and you feel comfortable and relaxed.That is why I think my home is important to me.


4 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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