What home means to me
Home means my family. I always hang out with my family. We play board games. I play tag in the house with my brother or have never-ending nerf wars. My dad sometimes comes late from work so at night when I’m in my bed and my dad is chasing my little brother trying to get him to brush his teeth.
Home means my cozy bedroom. My bedroom has gotten a big upgrade since my parents ordered this steel frame bed. I used to have only a boxspring under my mattress and every time me or anyone got on the bed it would make this annoying creaking noise coming from the springs. Most of my furniture in my bedroom is from IKEA. My bedroom is also running out of space because my dad put his closet in my room. I have my drawing table, my study table and two toy racks. My mom is also trying to sell the toy racks and get storage bins that can go under my bed. I cannot wait for the results.
Home means my birds. My birds have a long history and a long life, well not all of them. My first bird that is living is Ducky. Ducky is a normal budgie and her eyes from the front view look like a triceratops and for some reason she throws food out of the food container. My second living bird is Lemon. Lemon is a full yellow male budgie who does not fight, and he is the only male I have. My third budgie is Crystal. Crystal is a full white female budgie who fights a lot and at night she won’t let me sleep because everyone sleeps on the swings in the cage so they fight a lot.
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