Home is Priceless

A house can be bought with money but a home is priceless. A house is a shell of a home,once you make your house a home it is more than just a place.Its a place that gives you comfort and isnt perfect to everyone but it's perfect for your family. A house is something anyone can own but a home can also be.Cause what makes a home is all the small things. A home isn't perfect for everyone but it's perfect for your family. A home hold memories you've created. maybe it's when you were three and scribbled on the walls,This place will hold all of the special memories that you forget. . At one point something you really love was put on a bed, floor, table, or a shelf. Home can hold the biggest trophies to a homemade vase.Your home will hold it up. Home has flaws that can't be fixed. But that's okay because every flaw makes it just more special.A little water dripping from the sink or a chip in the wall, a home is loved for all of its flaws.I will always be able to say that's my home everytime I think of the flaws and memories. It will always sit in my heart because my home isn't perfect to everyone but it's perfect to me. A home provides comfort. Every special blanket and your cozy bed that tucks you in at night the comfort you need is right on site.Snuggling in your home is one of the best feelings.Because you can sit and read for hours sitting on your couch. In your home your family comforts each other,The comfort that your family makes is stronger than you think. knowing your family is there and being able to snuggle up with family in a nice warm home. A house is something anyone can own. A house built and given to you is a structure for families to build from.Any one can own a house but a home is sculpted into something much more beautiful by your family.A house is something anyone can live in but not everyone can live in your home cause not everyone will enjoy your home.A house may be built by human hand but you create a beautiful thing using the love grown with in the bones of your home.You pay money for a structure that someone could have but what you create changes your home. Overall I know that you can pay millions for a house but home can't be touched.everyone deserves a place to call home from small tents to huge mansions a home is deserved.Everyone should be able to say my home isn't perfect to everyone but it's perfect to me I have comfort in my home, and my home is not a house that anyone can own. I can pay for a home but what I make of it is what makes it priceless.


6 Année

Dartmouth, Nouvelle-Écosse

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