The Meaning of Home

At home everyday you go to sleep and you wake up and you can smell the breakfast that your mom made and then you go to school. And after school you come home you are tired and you just go to your bed and you play games. You need a home to be warm. A home is to be with your family. That was the only place that you can get sleep. That's the place that you eat And that's the only place that you can be yourself. That's the place where you can be happy. Home is where you can have your own room to sleep. Or play games or just spend the whole day in your room. That's why you need a home. And also your whole home is to have a sleepover with your friends. And without your house you will be just cold because in your house you can be warm, you can be yourself and just have fun. The whole point of having a house is having a roof over your head. And also your room is to remember like all the plushies that you have all the memory that you have in your room. Your room is filled with everything that you like. The whole point of my home is my room because my room has everything that I like and my bed. My favorite thing in my room is my bed because it's cozy and warm.


5 Année

Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse

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