Meaning of Home

I am from devouring tons of delicious spaghetti on my plate with a tiny plastic fork to eating my Dziadzio scrumptious apple pie after my supper every day and at every celebration; from buying tasty ice cream filled drumsticks from every store I went to with my mom to cooking potstickers that my mom helped me cook which are absolutely fabulous. I am from watching every episode of Paw Patrol on the couch all day long to reading tons of fantasy books in my bed and wanting to read forever; from playing with all my toy cars that zoom across the basement really fast to doing really hard 1000 piece puzzles on the craft table. I am from racing my brothers around the house trying to find our elf on the shelf the fastest to getting really excited to see my entire family at Christmas dinner; from opening Easter eggs getting delicious candy from every single one to ripping open my birthday presents from both family and friends to see what great things I got. I am from sitting in my mom's lap thinking it’s the best thing in the world to constantly being with my massive fluffy Bernese Mountain dog; from always asking to sleep in the camper so I can be in the super comfy blanket to sitting on the couch watching the fantastic movies that my dad puts on the T.V. I AM HOME!


4 Année

St. Andrews, Manitoba

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi