The Meaning of Home

Home is not a place on the map, home is a place in the heart; home is not made up of walls and a roof it is made up from memories and laughter. Home is not just a place where you live, it is where you make memories with family and friends. Home is a place where you eat and laugh. Houses can all take different shapes and sizes but there is one thing that happens in all houses and that is LOVE. Every house must have love in it or else it is just a shape with paint on it. Paint is awesome because it gives a house personality if the paint were black that would not be cool. If the paint is colorful like orange, blue green, yellow, or white thar would be fun but I do not know if you would want those funky colors. I mean I like bright neon colors thank you habitat for humanity for building houses for people who cannot afford them.


6 Année

Brandon, Manitoba

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