Beyond the Front Door
My home is filled with love and laughter,
A place where everyone feels safe, where they matter.
When you walk into my home,
everyone has a room of their own.
The door of my home is where we wait for the bus.
We say goodbye and run out without a fuss.
We greet friends and family there,
and there is always love in the air.
When you enter the office,
I’m sure you will find it flawless.
Stacks of paper here and there,
a place where we all care.
When you step on the kitchen floor,
a rich aroma is waiting for you at the door.
Herbs and spices so sweet,
a place where the heart beats.
The living room lies in wait,
come, sit down in a place where there is no hate.
We cuddle underneath blankets to keep from the cold,
and clasp our hands in a tight hold.
The mudroom is where the pets are kept,
all together they slept.
We smile as we stroke their fur,
laughing as we pick every burr.
Downstairs is where memories are made with care,
where laughter fills the air.
It’s also a place to be alone,
to play piano and beam at every tone.
The stairs have plenty of prints.
Even if you squint, there are no splints.
We walk up feeling happy,
no need to look fancy.
My room is where I sleep,
all memories for me to keep.
My room is a place where I dream,
where I love, where I laugh, a place to be free.
Outdoors is where happiness roams,
you see, in my home love never leaves.
Outside leaves fall from trees,
and we sing on the breeze.
A house is made of wooden beams,
but a home is made of love and dreams.
A home can be wherever you feel loved,
a place close to your beloved.
The world deserves more, happiness galore.
Families should be together, living in a place where they feel loved.
Some don’t, and that is not how humanity deserves to live.
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