What is a Home?

A house has walls and a roof. A home has love, more than enough to go around. A house has several different rooms where you can go to be alone, away from or separated from family. A home has enough rooms for everyone, but family and love cannot be separated wherever you go. A house is safe, but you may not always feel very safe. A home is a place where you can feel safe. When you live in that safe and secure environment, with or without your family, you have a chance to feel secure and happy. Not just know in your head that you are safe. A house may have people talking but those words are not all the nicest most of the time. But in a home, there are also people talking, but those words are most likely to be 10x nicer than the words that are said in a house, where you can say pretty much anything you like, whether it's kind or not. A house has food, but that food is not made with the one ingredient that people often use when they cook in a home. Love. In a house there are lots of pictures and memories on the walls. In a home, there are memories on the walls, and they are also being made at every moment. A house has a cozy fire to huddle up by. A home also has a fire to cuddle up by, but when you cuddle up by the fire in a home you have family nearby to huddle up next to and to laugh and talk with. In a house you always know where you are going to go home to after a long day at school or any after-school activities, but you don't always know what you are going to come home to. In a home you always know where you are going to go after a long day, and you can always expect a house full of smiles to greet you at the door! A house has walls and a roof. A home has love. Enough for everyone.


5 Année

Comox, Colombie-Britannique

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