Meaning of Home
Home means cozy warm blankets and hot cocoa with marshmallows by the fireplace. It means hearing the rain pitter patter on the roof at night. It means waking up to the sound of my radio set for my alarm clock and the smell of breakfast in the morning. Home means joy and happiness. It means warm hugs and cuddles when you are sad. It means hiding under the covers when you hear lightning and thunder. Home is a place where you can always be yourself and feel unjudged and special. It’s where I feel comforted, safe, and loved. Home means talking and expressing your feelings in deep conversations. It means getting advice about sports, school, and life in general. It means eating my favourite foods and snacks. It means hearing my skates dig into the ice of my backyard rink in the winter. It means hearing myself hit the post of the hockey net with the puck. Home is the hearing voices on the T.V when I watch movies on the couch with my family. Home is getting happy when I hear my favourite songs on the radio. Home is the feeling of the cool soft air from the fan in my room. Home is a place where I can always feel like I belong and come back to no matter what. Home is a part of you that you cannot let go or forget about. Home is the only place with so many amazing memories. Home is always there.
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