The Meaning of Home to Me

Home is…everything. It’s the hug when you need it . It’s the smell of a camp fire on a cold summer night. It’s the hide in seek on the beach. It's the double sleepover. It’s the morning runs. It’s the beach days. It’s the camping with your family. It’s the movie nights. It's the soft feel of you bed. It’s the days were you sleep in till noon. It’s the dance party’s. It’s the fun gym classes. It's the reading around the fireplace. It's the snow ball fights with your siblings. It's the it's the spa days. It's the days were you stay in all day and play games. It’s the game night. It's the pajama days. Its the playing with your dog. It’s the bike rides to your friends house. It's everything. It's what keeps you thriving. It's what makes life worth living. It's what drowns out the bad. That is what home is to me and It is everything. to me. Writing this has made me realize that home is more than a biding. It is your happiness. So that is what home is to me.


5 Année

Brockville, Ontario

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