Home Sweet Home
My home is the smell of my moms cooking in the morning . I can see my loving, happy, crazy, fun family is all over my home. I see them on the couch relaxing in peace. Home is where my soft cozy, worm bed is. My home is where most of my memories are made. Home is my safe place when I am scared. Home is the place I get support and love from my family. My home is where my sister and I travel to space, build castles out of pillows , and have visits with Unicorns and Fairies, because home is where our imagination soars. Home is where me and my sister get to go crazy and be silly. Home is where all my friends come after school for my Moms yummy snack tray. Home is where me and my family laugh, play games and watch movies by our fireplace. Home is where me and my friends have sleepovers and so much fun! Home is where me and my family have dinner at the dinner table and share what happened in our day. Home is where I get the best dreams ever! Home is where I dance and sing to Taylor Swift music. Home is where we celebrate all of life’s most special moments. Home is where me and my family belong! When I think of home I think how lucky I am to have a warm cozy beautiful place I get to call my own.
No matter how big or how small, home is where you belong. I wish everyone could have a home that feels like magic just like mine. Home is where I have confidence and never give up!
Home is where my family is, Home is where the heart is.
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