I woke up on a Saturday morning, excited to go to the children's hospital in the afternoon to read them books and surprise them with gifts.I went downstairs and ate my favorite breakfast,chocolate chip pancakes with a dollop of ice cream.After breakfast I decided to ask my mom to take my little sister and I to the library to pick out some books to read to the children.There my sister found a book that she really liked and wanted me to read it to her, when we were half way through the book she asked me “What is home?”, I hesitated not knowing the answer.I sighed and continued reading the book,as we drove to the children's hospital I still thought about the question she had asked me, “Where here” my mom said i got out of the car and entered the children's hospital.I saw the faces light up as I walked in,I read the books and gave them there gifts.When I got home I played a bored a game with my sister, I helped my mom make pizza,and played catch with my dad.After that we ate the pizza that my mom and I had baked earlier,then we all got together to watch the movie “Lorax” along with popcorn. It was bedtime and still I had not found an answer to my little sister’s question, as I thought of the answer I drifted off to sleep.The next morning I went downstairs and had my breakfast, then I went to play outside with my friends on the street I asked them the same question “what is home?”, “ I don't know” they said and we continued playing.Finally,I decided to ask my mom if she new the answer and she said “ well, home is the place where your with your loved ones like your family and friends, home is also where you make good memories like yesterday, you helped me make pizza,you played an board game with your sister,and you played catch with your dad you made all these wonderful memories, so i think home is anywhere you are with your loved ones and make good memories”. “You're right!” I said.
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