What Does Home Mean To Me?

A lot of people confuse the words house and home. A house is the actual building you live in. Your home is a place where you feel safe, loved, happy, and cared for. It is a place where you spend time with your family and friends, and a place where people accept you no matter what. For example, I live in two houses - my mom’s house and my dad’s house. Even though they are two different houses, I feel at home in both of them. House and home are two similar words, but they do not mean the same thing. Home is where you're comfortable. Whether it’s with family, friends, or just being yourself. As long as you’re happy doing something or being with someone, you can call that place home. My home is a place where I practice my gymnastics, play games with my brothers, watch TV while cuddling with my mom, and do homework with my dad. Most importantly, home is where I can be myself. When I go to school, I have to concentrate. I have to pay attention, and turn on my energy. School is a place where we also have to do some stressful work, like tests. When I get home all the stress that I had from school melts away. I feel like it’s a place where I can turn off. Although school is a place that can be stressful, my friends and my teachers are what makes it feel like home. It’s not where you are -it’s who you’re with. I just moved to Solomon Schechter and one of the things I love most about it is that it feels like a “ home away from home”.


4 Année

Hampstead, Québec

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