My Home

My home is cozy. Home is family. My home is comfortable. My home is love. My home is safe. My home is cozy. When I’m in my bed. It’s warm and relaxing. I’m warmed by my fluffy blanket. My home is family. My home is family because my family is life. Because they always welcome me. And they always make time for me and play with me when I’m bored. And when I’m sad they always comfort me. And when I get hurt they always ask if I’m OK. My home is comfortable. My home is comfortable because I’m at home. Like when I come back home from school I feel comfortable and warm at home because it’s my home and all my family makes me feel more comfortable. My home is love. Because I’m loved by my family and my friends they make me feel so special and that makes me so happy and appreciated and motivated. My home is safe. Because it's somewhere I can go when I’m scared. My home is cozy, family, comfortable, love and safe.that’s my home.


4 Année

Pincourt, Québec

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi