Meaning of Home
Home. Home is the place where I have friends that encourage me and make me feel safe wherever I go. It’s the place where I can learn from different people and their perspectives. It’s where I smell freshly baked cookies and a glass of milk watching a show on TV.
My friends comfort me and encourage me, they always have my back and they are always there for me when I need them. Friends are the people that I can trust and that I can have lots of fun with. It’s the place where my friends and I can relate to each other and share interests. It’s where I feel like I belong and where I feel welcome with my friends.
Home is the place where I can learn from other people’s viewpoints. It’s the place where I feel safe with a lot of people watching over me as I learn. Home is where people can share their perspectives of the world and the objects around them. Home is the ability to embrace different views and to share my own ideas.
Home is the feeling of comfort on the couch watching a show on the TV while enjoying freshly baked cookies and a glass of milk. It’s the place where you can enjoy delicious desserts around the table with your family. Home is where you can laugh and bake in the kitchen while having fun.
But really when it comes down to it, the meaning of home is hard to put into words. What I can say though is that it isn’t just a place, it’s a feeling, a frame of mind. This is what home should be for everyone across the world. Home is special. It’s safety, it’s laughter, it’s comfort but ultimately, home is a sense of love.
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