Home Sweet Home
Home is a place where I feel warm and safe from snow and rain that falls from the sky, from ice that makes everything slippery. Where I can have a nice dinner after a long day of work to reward myself. The place where I have a nice warm bed to sleep in every night to refresh myself.
Home is the place that you can play with your siblings until you're too tired to keep playing. The place your parents help you improve at the sport you play so you're better when the season comes. Where you can go to the bush at the back of your farm, and sit on a rock watching the minnows dart around, and look at the trails snails leave on the bottom of the creek.
Home is a place where you can watch your dogs chase your cat around trying to catch it. Where you play baseball, and your dog is the outfielder, grabbing every ball, but not bringing them all back. Home where you practice your archery for when you're old enough to hunt things.
Home is the place where I ride in the tractors and combine at harvest time, picking one single bean plant until the header cuts it down. The place where I can take a head of wheat off and eat the wheat to test it. The place where I help my dad feed our cows and pigs.
Home is a place that not all people realize the importance of, because they think it will always be there, but it won't always be there. Home is the best place in the world to me so I love it.
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