A Story of Home

I am inside my house watching tv. Then a strange feeling comes when I smell the delicious bread my dad's making (which smells really good). Looking around I see my mom prepare my favourite food “Lasagna”. I hear my mom and dad's soothing voices until they weren't... when dad burnt the bread. I decide to go for a walk to get the smell of burnt bread out of my noise. “I am going for a walk!”, I say to my mom. “Okay. Dinner at 7:00.”, mom says back. “And take the dog with you!”, says dad while holding back holding back tears. I get the dog, Bailey, and her leash and we are out the door. Outside, it’s peaceful and I feel safe. My neighbours say ‘hi’ or wave. Some may even pet Bailey. As I walk back, I look at my house. The colours are bright baby blue. “Beautiful”, I think to myself. I get that feeling again, I wonder why I feel like this? As I head in the door, I kind of feel exited to get inside. After dinner I feel my eyes getting heavy, so I get ready for bed. As I do, I remember the weird feeling I had earlier. I wonder why I felt excited to go home? Then I realize I am safe, I am loved, and I feel happy. This is my meaning of home.


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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