My beloved home

‘’Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.‘’ A house is made of bricks and beams. A home yet intangible is full of life; it is a feeling of love. Home is the first school of any child. I believe that a home is more than four walls and a roof over my head, home is an environment, it is built and strengthened with love, care, happiness, kindness, and togetherness. When I come back from school, I know there is always food waiting for me on the table, I smell the delicious fresh baked cookies in the oven. Home is a feeling that greets you when you walk through the door. It is the people who wait for me to get home safely. It is the people who sacrifice everything for me to be safe. It is a place where I am always cared for. I will take it with me when I leave. I believe that home is where an individual becomes themselves; not physically but mentally. It is a mold that forms who they are. My beloved home is made of experiences, and moments of life that helped me to change and teach me for that reason, my home is also people and when home takes a human form it is called a family. I believe that family does not always have to do with blood it is a place that you spend with the people you love and cherish. No matter where I go in the future, my foundation will always sit firmly in this environment. With these people who have formed me as a person and taught me how to live. I can always come home.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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