
To feel home should be compared to a warm and cozy feeling. It can be any shape or size since this does not define a home. A home’s characteristics are individual and unique. When Amy was little, home made her feel safe and warm. Everynight, her parents tucked her into a bed and all of her stuffed animals watched Amy sleep. When she grew up to be a teenager, home became a place to chill and escape the pressures of school and the world outside. It wasn’t until Amy moved away for college that she truly understood the meaning of home. Home wasn’t just a physical place that provides shelter, but a feeling of belonging. Her home was the sound of dad working in the garage, the smell of mom’s delicious meals, and the yelling and laughing of her siblings. It was the memories that they all made together and the love that bonds them all to that home. As Amy grew older, home has expanded to include new places and people, yet it remains rooted in that same sense of warmth and belonging. Home is not just a house, but the people and memories that make it feel like one.


6 Année

Montréal, Québec

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