My Safe and Secure Home

My home has an incredibly special place in my heart. When I was much younger, I was not treated nicely all the time by some others. It eventually led to hockey which is my pride and joy. One day I got picked on so badly that I almost did not want to go on the ice. I was not in a great state of mind. That night when my dad and I got back home, I just let go of life and everything that was going on. I was relieved that I was in my home. In my home, I felt safe and secure. I felt the feelings of comfort and support in my home. When I was home, I felt a sense of belonging. When I think of home, this is the first personal topic that comes into my mind. My home is my anchor in all those situations or struggles in my life. Why might you ask? It is the place where all emotions fall out. Happy, sad, or even mad. At home, I know that I always will have my parents supporting me in everything that I do. In my home, there will forever be love, support, safety, comfort, and security. That is why my home means so much to me.


6 Année

McCreary, Manitoba

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi