Meaning of Home
Meaning of Home
If you asked someone what home is, some of them might answer “My house”. My answer is a house that I've made memories in, good and bad, like getting my first dog, or arguments with my siblings.
Home is a place where my family is, whether it’s a hotel apartment, or house, I will always call it home since that is where me and my family are. It’s also a shelter, where I can come home if it’s too cold, too wet, or even too hot. I know I can always come back home to be warmed, dried, or cooled. Home is also a place where I feel safe. When I am driving down downtown at night I don’t feel the safest, but I know after a couple of minutes I’ll be right back home with my mom, (or dad), or siblings.
Home to me is a place where I come home and my dog comes barking and jumping at me so excited to see me even if I was only gone for a couple of hours.
Home isn’t a place where I eat fancy steak dinners or eating out, but a place where I get a nice, warm homemade dinner.
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