Meaning of Home

Did you know that homeless is a big problem in Canada? I like to think of homelessness as a game of baseball. Think Of it as, you are a baseball, and you’re getting used for T-ball. All the little 5-year-olds are hitting you around. The next day, you get picked up by an Unknown Pitcher. For the first time in your life, you get thrown! And flying in the air, you see a good batter, Vladimir Guerrero Jr! He hits you out of the park! And while you are sitting there on the grass you see about 34,999 coming right out of the park as well. That is how many people are homeless on any given night. I will be talking about three main reasons of the meaning of home. Family, Food and Safety. Home to me means family. Living in my home I have gotten closer to my family. Even though my mom and Dad live in two different houses that doesn’t stop me from seeing both. My Mom and Grandma live together so I get to spend time with the two equally! However, living in the two different homes means I lose some of my time with the other which has an effect on me. Home also means food, and no I don’t just mean “oh I get food, the end.” Food has an effect on your mental health. If you don’t have some grub, then you won’t have one of the things you need to live. Also, without food you will feel a big pain in your stomach. Not having food or water is almost just as big a deal as homelessness. Without food or water, you will be really hungry and that hunger can turn into frustration and anger. Home can also mean safety. For example, if you are in someone else’s home compared to your own, you might feel not as safe because its not your own. Also, if you’re in your own home, you will know your surroundings rather than going to your friend’s home and not expecting their dog to jump out and scare you every turn. In conclusion, I told you my main three meanings of home. Family, Food and Safety.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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