what does home mean to me!

Home is a place you e together with family and friends. Home can mean many things to people and its where you make your best memories. home can be a place from a bus shelter to a mansion. so it doesn't matter about the furniture its about he people around you. Firstly, what makes me happy is when me and my brother play soccer together. I let him win some days. I always love when we play together because we always have fun and we help each other on stuff we teach each other. Secondly, gatherings happens when its someone's birthday or like my Aunt who just finished her big test to become a nurse. we had a big party with family and friends. It was a lot of fun. Thirdly, what makes me comfortable when I'm sad is when I listen to calming music or read a really nice book but mostly I like to spend time with my baby brother. He is very cute and he's really funny when he listens to his favorite song and does this funny dance he always does. This all happens in my home. additionally, read together happens right after supper time. we go to the living room and everyday someone gets picked to to read a verse of the day and pray. we always sing two songs before we pray and it's a great place to practice your religion and faith. Finally, home is my moms cooking. my mom puts water in to a pot and waits ten to fifteen minutes then it becomes a nice fluffy dough. after my mom cuts some kale puts it in a pot puts some water and spices and it's all done. In my country we call it ugali na mboga. Home is a place where your happy place is, where your gatherings happens. home is where you get comfortable, home is where you read together and home is food for the soul. So it doesn't matter about how big the house is or how small it is it's about the people inside.


4 Année

WINNIPEG, Manitoba

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