The Meaning of Home
The Meaning of Home
From my perspective the meaning of home is the cozy warm feeling you get while you’re wrapped in the warmest blanket you could possibly imagine after being out in the cold winter playing with the neighbours for hours. It also means the relaxing feeling of being on a cushiony floatie while floating on the beautiful water of Camp Mishewah. It means me and my family screaming at the TV while watching the stressful series of“Amazing Race” and praying and hoping that your favourite team will win. It means doing karaoke with my two sisters Emma (9) and Abby (13) and singing our heads off to the song we chose. It means hanging out with my cousins for hours and hours every weekend, and never knowing what to do until the very end of our visit. It means going to camp with my grandparents and my OTHER cousins and having the crisp chlorine pool all to ourselves on a day it was supposed to rain. Home to me is feeling so unconditionally loved when I take a big long hug with my Mom. I think it’s important for everyone to have a home, so they can make their special memories just like I have. Home really is the place to be.
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