What is a House. What is a Home.
A house is just a building. I don’t care about the structure. I care only about what is inside of it. What I
find that I like in a home is a good place to relax, a place to eat and a place to sleep. My family includes
my mum, my 3 dogs and 2 cats –My family is the most important of all because I can just hang out with
them. I care about everything else a little bit but not as much because my family is not replaceable.
A place that I like to relax is the family room. I like this room because it has a big TV for watching
YouTube and playing video games. There is a nice comfy sofa. I get to hang out with my friends and
family in this room. I have good memories of my past 4 birthdays in the TV room. I love this room
because it is nice to relax, and I don’t have to do anything.
In my bedroom I like to just sit down and relax when I am mad – a cool down spot for me. I like to read
in the mornings when I am bored because I will wake up my grumpy mother if I am loud. She will not be
in a good mood if I try to get my Nintendo. I like to love the kitties when they come into my bedroom in
the mornings. My clothes, jammies, toys, and books are all kept if big blue shelves.
The last place I like is a good place to eat and there is good food there. We usually eat in the kitchen, but
when we have guests, we eat in the dinning room. The big island in the kitchen is nice to eat on because
there is a lot of room for stuff that looks nice and space to eat. I like when there are flowers and candles
on the island. My mum makes the best jam for PB and J sandwiches. I don’t have to have my best
manners when I am eating in the kitchen – this is good.
This is what I need to turn a house into a home. I need a nice place to sit down and relax. I need a nice
place to keep my stuff and a place to eat with my friends and family. I prefer to have my pets, family,
and friends rather then my house – because a home can be anywhere. It is not a place but a feeling you
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