House and Home
Home to me means you are with the people that care and love you and when I am home I feel loved and safe and I always feel happy at home. Also you can make as many memories as you like. some people think a home is just a normal building or apartment but in my opinion they are very very very wrong because home is so much more than just a building or an apartment.Home is a place where you can be yourself and feel your own feelings and not be what people think you are or what they want you to be.When i was younger people bullied me for what i liked and for what i loved doing but then i found friends who don’t care what i like or love they liked who i was for who i was and that made me really happy and warm inside.One thing about love and friendship no one can touch or break it.
House to me means that it holds your home and doesn’t mean much but lots of animals have homes but we all need a house to hold are homes.Thats why all of us have homes today because of houses.Houses hold homes and homes give us a place to live and stay warm and safe.I learned that a house is not just a building or an apartment.A house gives us somewhere to live because it holds the place that we all go in it gives us something that not many people have and that's a home some people now in days thinks homes hold themselves and i used to think that too but know i now that a house does so much more than what we think it gives us a place to live and it holds all of the things that are most important to us and that's peace and love and you always feel like your safe and a house is where you can go if you feel not safe or like someone is following you i once felt like someone was following me and i went to my house and locked to door and i was safe that's why i always want to say sorry to the houses because they do so much for us in life and we do so little for them.
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