Home is...

home is a family watching a movie while sitting on a couch eating buttery popcorn, home can be anything anywhere like a river a car a park, as long as you love it it’s home, sweet like cookies baking in the oven, the cookies smell like chocolate and you can’t wait to eat them or like warm hot chocolate on a cold winter day sweet and tasty, it’s relaxing to come home from a long day of school or work the smell and feeling makes you feel safe and happy like when you lay down on your bed or couch, home isn't perfect it’s a roller coaster you're not always happy at home you could be sad because you lost your phone or your fish passed or your angry from a fight with your siblings or your mom, home isn't perfect but it's great, all the memories I think most of you are lucky, not everyone has a home like yours so please be thankful for what you have, many people have it worse.


5 Année

Cambridge, Ontario

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